Sleepwalking Causes

There are several causes of sleepwalking. For some, it may be hereditary. It was shown that if parents or grandparents sleepwalking, so the possibility is high that the children or grandchildren also Sleepwalk. Sometimes, high fever, chills, and diseases can cause sleepwalking. Hormonal imbalances are another common cause, as well as some physiological changes such as puberty can cause sleepwalking. There are some medicines and drugs, which can cause sleepwalking. When a person sleeps, sleep stages occur in cycles in order, in which a person slips into a light sleep to deep sleep. Some of these stages, the body releases hormones that paralyze the body and when a person enters a deep sleep. The people who are sleepwalking disorder, this hormone is absent, and therefore remain semiconscious all night. In this semi-conscious, these people tend to Sleepwalk.

There are several causes of sleepwalking. For some people it may be hereditary in nature. We saw that if parents or grandparents sleepwalker, the possibility is very high when children and / or grandchildren will also sleep walk. Sometimes, high fever, chills, and disease may induce sleep. Hormonal imbalances are another common cause and some physiological changes that puberty can cause sleepwalking. There are certain medications and drugs that may induce sleep. When a person is asleep, the sleep stages occur in a cyclic order where a person works from light sleep to deep sleep. Somewhere during these steps, your body releases a hormone that paralyzes the body and is when a person falls into a deep sleep. In people who have trouble sleeping this hormone is absent, and that is why they are still semi-conscious throughout the night. In this semi-conscious, these people tend to sleep walk.