Treat Indigestion Effectively: Home Remedies to prevent Dyspepsia

Dyspepsia or indigestion is one of the most common gastro-intestinal derangements; and can be managed effortlessly and effectively. There are some simple home remedies and natural treatment options to treat indigestion promptly.

What Causes Indigestion?: Dyspepsia Causes

Hiatus Hernia is a
cause for Indigestion
Indigestion or dyspepsia occurs due to certain factors that raise the pressure within the abdomen, and thus, cause the contents of the stomach to move up in to the esophagus. The following factors are responsible for indigestion:
  • Remaining hungry for prolonged intervals of time
  • Over eating or consumption foods that are very spicy or oily. Higher consumption of processed foods or transfats can also increase the frequency of dyspepsia
  • Hiatus hernia
  • Decreased tone of the esophageal sphincter
  • Excessive consumption of carbonated and caffeinated drinks
  • Having too much alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Obesity

 Chronic conditions like esophagal cancer can also lead to indigestion or dyspepsia, espeically during the early stages of the disease.

Symptoms of Indigestion: Symptoms of Dyspepsia

Indigestion or dyspepsia is usually manifested as retro-sternal burning (heartburn), burning in the abdomen, abdominal distension, bloating and flatulence, heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen, spasms and cramps, and intermittently, there may be nausea and water brash.


 Home Remedies to Treat Indigestion: Natural Cures for Dyspepsia

Fennel Seeds help
treat indigestion
Here are some simple home remedies that can help in the management of indigestion and prevent the recurrence of dyspepsia. 
  • Fennel seeds: Munch on a tablespoon of fennel seeds after every meal. Fennel has powerful medicinal properties. It works as a spasmolytic and a wind reliever. It tones up the lining of the stomach and allays cramps, pain and abdominal discomfort.
  • Caraway seeds: Caraway seeds can ease gastric distress. The seeds are an excellent carminative and help in the discharge of wind. It treats flatulence and bloating of the abdomen successfully, relieving painful cramps and tightness in the abdomen almost instantaneously. It relaxes the entire gastrointestinal tract. Include caraway seeds in to your daily diet.
  • Mint and Ginger Decoction: Mint is a brilliant digestive; and so is ginger. They help ease spasms of the alimentary canal and decrease formation of gas. Menthol present in mint is the principal component that produces a GI-comforting effect. Gingerols present in ginger lessen inflammation and pain associated with gastric derangements. Drinking 250 ml of mint and ginger tea every morning helps ward off dyspeptic attacks effectively.

How to Prevent Indigestion?: Prevent dyspepsia Naturally

Chronic and continual dyspepsia can be a big cause of worry. If neglected, it could develop in to a grave disease. There is a strong probability of developing irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis or peptic ulcer over a period of time. These guidelines will help you ward off indigestion and gastrointestinal derangements: 
  • Don’t stay hungry for long periods of time. Have a small snack every 3 hours.
  • Do not rush through your meal. Always consume food in a calm and leisurely atmosphere.
  • Eat small, frequently meals through the day, avoid large, heavy ones.
  • Limit your intake of caffeinated carbonated beverages.
  • Quit smoking and limit the consumption of alcohol
  • Never lie down after a meal. Sit erect for about 30 minutes after eating, in order to prevent regurgitation of acid or food.