Don't Skimp On Your Sleep, It Could Cause Your Death!

A recent study has shown that those of you who regularly get fewer than six hours of sleep at night are significantly increasing your risk of stroke. Researchers found that those in middle age who skimped on sleep were more likely to suffer stroke symptoms than those who got at least nine hours of shut-eye even if they were of healthy weight and with no family history of stroke.

Study: More than 5,000 participants, who were between 45 and retirement age, were monitored for three years as part of the US study.

The participants were divided into five groups according to how many hours a night they slept. They were asked to report their symptoms every six months.

The findings:
  • Those who slept for fewer than six hours were most likely to experience symptoms such as numbness or weakness down one side of their body, dizziness, loss of vision or a sudden inability to express verbally or in writing.
  • Scientists at the University of Alabama said the impact of sleep deprivation was a major one, even after taking into account age, weight and other known risk such as high blood pressure.
  • Co-author Virginia Howard, a professor of epidemiology, said: ‘Many people can have these symptoms and not recognize them as a precursor to having a stroke, and perhaps not even mention them to their doctor. 
  • ‘Sleeping habits can exacerbate the potential for these symptoms, which are internationally recognized as putting people at extraordinary risk of subsequent stroke.’ 
 How will this study affect you?
Most people think that all they need is to sleep more, but they failed to realize that quality of sleep is more important.

A few years back, I was barely sleeping enough because of late-night supper, project deadlines and work stress (I had a demanding boss!)which were keeping me up at night. My body was in a horrible shape, my weight was fluctuating and I looked older than my actual age.

In 2010, I started to seek help and to search for my own remedies.I have been sleeping better ever since then and have compiled all my knowledge into a series of newsletter.

To get started, here are some good sleep habits you can follow:
Food:  Avoid caffeine late in the day, eat the last meal of the day at least 2 hours before bedtime and cut down or avoid fluids at least one hour before bedtime.

Exercise: Avoid vigorous exercises too close to bedtime.

Bedroom: Try as much not to watch television in bed and relax your mind before bedtime to create a bedroom environment that enhances sleep.

If you have any other difficulties regarding sleep or would like to ask what food is advisable for you to take it to improve your quality of sleep, click here to leave a comment or drop me a question

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