Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is characterized by decreased attention span or inattention and/or hyperactivity. The disorder is quite common among children and adolescents, and may also manifest in adults.

ADHD symptoms

The symptoms are illustrated under 3 heads –





• The individual is easily distracted by trivial and inconsequential stimuli, which are usually ignored by others.

• Poor concentration and inadequate attention to details, results in messy and careless work.

• There is an inability to finish school work or college work or paper work

• He can not perform tasks that require attentiveness.

• Shows a strong tendency to procrastinate

• Shifts from one incomplete task to another.

• The individual is disorganized at work and home.

• Forgetfulness and memory lapses are common.


• The child / adult is restless, unstill, fidgety, gets up repeatedly and walks around the room, squirms in the seat.

• Difficulty in being engaged in quiet activities.

• Talks excessively.


• Impatience is highly marked.

• He will intrude and interrupt others.

• Starts conversations at the wrong time, blurts out answers even before the question has been completed.

• Occasionally, some could engage in potentially dangerous activities or situations, without taking into account the consequences.

ADHD diagnosis:

A person suffering from ADHD, will show some or all of the above clinical features.

These symptoms may be apparent in other individuals too, but the intensity and frequency of symptoms, is a lot higher in ADHD people. Manifestations occur at school, college, work, home or when visiting friends. It affects their ability to function normally.

Diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is made when the symptoms manifest for a period of 6 months and more.

ADHD treatment:

Treating ADHD is a multi-disciplinary approach.

Management for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

• Educating the parent, the teacher, and the child about the disorder is very important. It makes understanding the symptoms and dealing with them a lot more easy. School teacher and counselor involvement and participation.
• Family support is a crucial aspect of the management of ADHD, especially for ADHD adults.
• Drug therapy is advocated by counselors, but the usage of the drugs is associated with certain side effects.
• Cognitive Behavior Therapy to battle ADHD:

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a psycho-therapeutic approach that aims to solve problems concerning behavior, cognition, conduct, and dysfunctional emotion through a goal-oriented and systematic technique.

Behavior management focuses on accepting the patient’s behavior as a symptom of the disorder and not as a negative trait.

The therapy sessions are aimed at concentrating on the good behavior or appropriate behavior, while, ignoring minor inappropriate behavior.

Goal setting is an important element of the therapy. It is of essence that you set realistic and specific goals for the patient and help him accomplish them.

Rewards or consequences are also an integral part of the program. Appropriate behavior is rewarded whereas negative behavior bears the consequences.

Consistence and long-time therapy is needed for complete, effective, and lasting cure.

Meditation helps treat ADHD effectively:
  • Meditation is a very strong and powerful tool that helps deal with all psychological issues. It is a wonderful way to support yourself during the healing process.
  • Meditation will promote greater relaxation and peace.
  • It will make you more mindful of your thought patterns, and help you identify and change negative thought patterns.
  • It provides a more relaxed way to work, function and focus.
  • Meditation helps prevent mistakes and accidents, and is highly useful to manage ADD (attention deficit disorder).
  • It reduces mental chatter and aids in focusing at a task at hand.

 Homoeopathy helps fight attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:

Homoeopathy is a highly composite and efficient system of medicine. The system aims at bringing about holistic cure. Homoeopathic medicines bring to equilibrium, the chaotic and deranged vital force of the patient, and thus, cause cure. Innumerable homoeopathic medicines have shown beneficial results in the management of ADHD. Homoeopathic remedies have a favorable influence on the brain and the nervous system. The remedies act as nerve tonics, especially, in cases where the individual has difficulty in keeping the mind fixed on one particular thing, is restless and wakeful, extremely sensitive to noise, and cannot keep still. The drugs soothe the nervous system and have a strengthening and beneficial effect.

Importantly, homoeopathic remedies are extracted from nature – flowers, fruits, animal extracts and products, and minerals, and are completely devoid of any unfavorable side effects. Homoeopathy, coupled with meditation, dietary corrections, aromatherapy, cognitive behavior therapy, counseling, and adequate family affection and support, will bring about extensive improvement in individuals suffering from ADHD. It is very important to bear in mind, that all disorders and medical conditions are treated well by a multi-disciplinary approach, and not one particular therapy in isolation.

 Homoeopathy management, requires the physician to take a detailed account of the symptoms before prescribing the optimum and most suited drug. Here are 2 drugs that have proved to be highly efficacious in the treatment of ADHD.


 • Passiflora has a strengthening and calming effect on the nervous system.

• It successfully treats insomnia or disturbed sleep patterns, associated with ADHD, and produces normal, restful sleep.

• It checks restlessness and wakefulness.

• The drug is especially beneficial in children and the aged.

 Argentum Nitricum

 • This is a wonderful remedy to treat and handle impulsiveness in those suffering from ADHD. The patient demonstrates an impulse to jump out of the window, to jump in to the water.

• There is extreme nervousness and restlessness, which is managed exceedingly well by Argentum Nitricum.

• The patient has irrational motives for his actions.

• Characteristically, he does everything in a rush and hurry.

• There is forgetfulness and the patient’s memory is very weak.