Treat Appendicitis Effectively: Home Remedies and Food Prescriptions

The appendix is a vestigial organ located on the right side of the abdomen. It is a narrow pouch-shaped structure that is attached to the colon. Appendicitis is a condition which is characterized by the inflammation of the appendix. It does not always call for surgical intervention; it can be managed successfully using simple home remedies. The condition usually occurs between 10 to 30 years of age. Timely diagnosis can lead to rapid treatment measures and can help ward off gruesome complications.

Appendicitis can be very
painful condition
Causes of Appendicitis
When the appendix gets occluded or blocked by stones, worms, or impacted feces, swelling and inflammation of the organ gets triggered. The appendix becomes irritated and filled with pus. If neglected, bacteria multiply, and sooner or later, the appendix may rupture, causing grave complications.

 Symptoms of Appendicitis
Characteristic features of appendicitis that make diagnosis easy include:
  • In the initial phase of the disorder there is a vague pain around the belly button; the pain then moves to the right, lower aspect of the abdomen and settles there. Eventually, the pain becomes agonizing and unbearable
  • Nausea and vomiting are common associated symptoms
  • There occurs a loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea or constipation occurs
  • Swelling and distension of the abdomen is seen
  • Fever may be present

How to Check For Appendicitis At Home: Appendicitis Diagnosis

In order to make a prompt diagnosis at home, you need to understand how the nature and radiation of the pain. by and large, the pain starts near the navel, then radiates to the right, lower aspect of the abdomen.

Apply gentle pressure where the pain is felt and release immediately. In case of appendicitis, the area will feel extremely tender; and when the pressure is released, the pain worsens due to rebound tenderness.

The manifesting features also assist in making a diagnosis. You must consult your physician at once. In the intervening period, do not to drink or eat anything, it could make matters worse, particularly, if surgery is indicated.

Home Remedies for Appendicitis: Foods to Treat Appendicitis
It is very important that you consult your health care professional. However, adhering to these dietary guidelines can help expedite cure, both, in acute as well as chronic cases of appendicitis.

    Butter Milk is effective
    in Treating Appendicitis
  •  Naturopaths recommend fresh vegetable juices to hasten cure. Blend together beet juice, carrot juice and cucumber juice. This combination affords immense relief; it is easy to digest, provides plenty of vital nutrients and helps battle fatigue and weakness. 
  • Buttermilk is a very effective cure too. It soothes an inflamed gut and allays pain and discomfort. Buttermilk helps treat gastric derangements and prevents vomiting. Have up to one liter of buttermilk daily.
  • Ginger tea is another useful home remedy to treat appendicitis. Ginger is packed with large amounts of gingerols, (potent anti-inflammatory agents). Ginger eases the inflammatory process, lessens the pain and manages nausea and vomiting effectively. Grate about one inch of the root, add a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes. Consume this tea three times everyday.