Prognosis for Liver Cirrhosis and Natural Treatment: Home Remedies and Diet to Treat Alcoholic Hepatitis

Alcoholic Liver disease affects 2 million people in the United States alone. Large Scale Histopathological studies of liver biopsies are suggestive that alcoholic hepatitis is widely prevalent in the Western World, though most of the individuals remain asymptomatic. Prevalence of alcoholic hepatitis in the western world is estimated to be in the range of 25-30%. The prognosis of the condition depends upon a host of factors however; simple dietary measures and home remedies have been found to be effective in treating the condition naturally. These home remedies are meant to improve liver health and promote regeneration of destroyed liver tissue.

Biliary and Liver System
Liver Cirrhosis: Prognosis of Liver Disease

Alcoholic Hepatitis refers to a syndrome characterized by progressive liver injury and severe inflammation associated with long term and heavy consumption of ethanol.

Prognosis of liver disease associated with consumption of alcohol depends upon several factors. Studies have shown that abstinence from the consumption of alcohol can result in limiting the progression of the disease and improve liver function within a few months.

Mortality rates in individuals Hospitalized for alcoholic liver disorder was about 15% (within 30 days following hospitalization) and increased to 40% (in one year following hospitalization). In patients with severe symptoms of coagulopathy, jaundice and encephalopathy, the mortality rate was as high as 50%.

Another study conducted indicated that age, low white blood cell count, high prothrombin time and females are at a greater risk of mortality due to alcoholic liver disease.

Home Remedies to Treat Liver Disorders: Dietary Guidelines for Alcoholic Hepatitis

Nutrients and Vitamins are crucial in initiating convalescence and hastening recovery in patients with alcoholic liver disease. There are three vegetables which should be included in regular diet to improve liver functions and treat hepatitis,
    Beet Root is beneficial
    in management of liver
  • Artichoke: This vegetable, especially its leaves, contains caffeoylquinic acids which have demonstrated significant liver tissue regeneration and protective properties. Caffeoylquinic acid has choleretic effect which promotes the flow of bile from the liver. Hepatitis is often caused due to accumulation of bile salts in the liver, which cause irritation of the biliary system and subsequent inflammation.
  • Beet Root: Another useful vegetable, beet root contains betacyanin, which helps in detoxification of the liver and helps eliminate wastes and toxins including heavy metals and derbies accumulated in the hepatic system and promotes healing
  • Dandelion Roots: Regarded as the finest liver remedy, these roots are loaded with Vitamin A, pectin, proteins and Vitamin C along with iron and thiamine. This food reduces congestion and boosts the functional capacity of the liver and hastens the recovery process.

 Treating Liver Cirrhosis Naturally: Diet Recommendations for improving Liver Functions

Though there are a wide range of factors that are responsible for liver cirrhosis and liver damage, ethanol metabolism in the liver acts as one of the most primary factors responsible for liver cirrhosis and liver damage. In addition to incorporating the aforementioned foods, there are some special dietary recommendations,
  • Liver disorder and excessive alcohol consumption is associated with nutritional deficiencies, especially Vitamin B complex, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Increase the intake of citrus fruits (lemon, lime, oranges), apple, strawberries, etc along with vegetables like spinach, turnip, capsicum, carrots, etc. Increase the intake of low fat diary products like milk and yoghurt
  • Vitamin B complex and Vitamin K supplements play a crucial role in improving liver functions. Vitamin K improves the clotting time and prothrombin time, which in turn is associated with better prognosis
  • Avoid foods high in fats and oils. Excessive fatty food tends to increase the demand for bile which in turn may further result in increased strain on the liver. Avoid processed and packed foods.